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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Fruits for Low Blood Pressure Sufferers that Must Be in the Refrigerator

 Hypertension or low blood pressure is a medical condition that can increase the risk of various serious health problems. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health , the bodies of people with low blood pressure are under pressure below 90/60 mmHg.

It turns out, we can prevent this disease, you know, by consuming a healthy diet and the right lifestyle too.

There are several types of blood pressure attacks (hypertension) based on the cause:

  1. Orthostatic Hypertension
    Occurs when a person suddenly stands up from a sitting, squatting, or lying position. This can cause dizziness or dizziness because the body has to adjust to the change in position. It usually occurs in the elderly, but can also occur in young adults and children.

  2. Postprandial Hypertension
    Occurs approximately 1-2 hours after eating. The symptoms are similar to orthostatic hypertension and may be caused by increased blood flow to the digestive tract after eating. More common in the elderly.

  3. Vasovagal Hypotension
    Occurs when the nervous system stimulates blood vessels to lower blood pressure. It is usually experienced by young adults and children, and symptoms include cold sweat, dizziness, blurred vision, and even fainting. Can occur after standing for too long or due to fatigue.

  4. Acute Hypertension
    Occurs suddenly, for example in a state of shock. This is the most severe form of blood pressure drop, and can be caused by various factors such as severe dehydration, heavy bleeding, or sepsis.

Someone who has hypertension must be careful about the food they enter into their body. To keep blood pressure stable, here are the fruits that are recommended for consumption by people with low blood pressure.

1. Watermelon

Watermelon is a good fruit for people with low blood pressure because it has a high water content (around 92%) which helps keep the body hydrated. Lack of fluids in the body can cause a decrease in blood volume and low blood pressure.

Additionally, watermelon also contains important nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium, which contribute to overall health. Eating watermelon can help maintain water levels in the body and support well-being.

According to Halodoc , the nutritional content of watermelon :

  1. Energy: 28 calories
  2. Protein: 0.5 grams
  3. Fat: 0.2 grams
  4. Carbohydrates: 6.9 grams
  5. Fiber: 0.4 grams
  6. Calcium: 7 milligrams
  7. Phosphorus: 12 milligrams
  8. Iron: 0.2 milligrams
  9. Sodium: 7 milligrams
  10. Potassium: 93.8 milligrams
  11. Copper: 0.04 milligrams
  12. Zinc: 0.1 milligrams
  13. Beta-carotene: 315 micrograms
  14. Total carotene: 590 micrograms
  15. Thiamin (Vit. B1): 0.05 micrograms
  16. Riboflavin (Vit. B2): 0.05 milligrams
  17. Niacin: 0.3 milligrams
  18. Vitamin C: 6 milligrams

2. Oranges

Oranges contain high levels of folate. Folate is an important nutrient that plays a role in the formation of red blood cells in the body. A lack of red blood cells, which can result in anemia, can contribute to low blood pressure.

The high folate content in oranges makes them a good choice for maintaining balanced blood pressure. Therefore, consuming oranges can help prevent or treat low blood pressure or hypertension.

The nutritional content of oranges :

  1. Energy: 45 calories
  2. Protein: 0.9 grams
  3. Fat: 0.2 grams
  4. Carbohydrates: 11.2 grams
  5. Fiber: 1.4 grams
  6. Vitamin C: 49 milligrams
  7. Thiamine (vitamin B1): 0.08 milligrams
  8. Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.03 milligrams
  9. Niacin: 0.2 milligrams
  10. Calcium: 33 milligrams
  11. Phosphorus: 23 milligrams
  12. Potassium: 472.1 milligrams
  13. Iron: 0.4 milligrams
  14. Copper: 160 milligrams
  15. Zinc: 0.2 milligrams
  16. Total carotene: 190 micrograms

3. Beets

Beets have a high folate content, so consuming them can help control blood pressure. In one cup of beets (about 136 grams), there are about 148 micrograms of folate, which is equivalent to about 37% of your daily folate requirement.

The high folate content in beets makes it a relevant choice in maintaining balanced blood pressure in the body. By consuming beets, you help provide important nutrients to overcome low blood pressure or hypertension.

Nutritional content of beets:

  1. Calories: 44 kilocalories.
  2. Protein: 1.7 grams.
  3. Fat: 0.2 grams.
  4. Fiber: 2 grams.
  5. Vitamin C: 6% of the body's daily requirement (RDI)
  6. Folate: 20% of RDI.
  7. Vitamin B6: 3% of RDI.
  8. Magnesium: 6% of RDI.
  9. Potassium: 9% of RDI.
  10. Phosphorus: 4% of RDI.
  11. Manganese: 16% of RDI.
  12. Iron: 4% of RDI.

4. Olives

Olives are included in the category of fruit that can increase blood pressure because they contain high levels of salt or sodium. However, you must consume it wisely. Because excessive salt intake can cause unwanted spikes in blood pressure and increase the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.

5. Papaya

In one cup or around 140 grams of papaya, there are around 53 micrograms of folate. The high folate content in papaya makes it a good choice for maintaining balanced blood pressure. By consuming one cup of papaya, you can meet your body's folate needs.

Nutrient content in 152 grams of papaya fruit:

  1. Calories: 59 
  2. Carbohydrates: 15 grams
  3. Fiber: 3 grams
  4. Protein: 1 gram
  5. Vitamin C: 157% daily requirement
  6. Vitamin A: 33% daily requirement
  7. Folate: 14% daily requirement
  8. Potassium: 11% daily requirement.
    Then, there are also nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin B, and vitamin K.

6. Strawberry

High water content and folate content in the range of around 69 to 170 micrograms per every 100 grams helps people with low blood pressure. The high water content in strawberries helps keep the body hydrated, while the folate content helps in the regulation of blood pressure. 

Nutritional content of strawberries:

  1. Water: 90.95 grams
  2. Energy: 32 kilocalories
  3. Carbohydrates: 7.68 grams
  4. Vitamin C: 58.8 grams
  5. Vitamin A: 1 microgram
  6. Beta carotene 7 micrograms
  7. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol): 0.29 milligrams
  8. Vitamin K: 2.2 micrograms
  9. Vitamin B6: 0.047 milligrams
  10. Total fat: 0.67 grams
  11. Sugar: 4.89 grams
  12. Fiber: 2 grams
  13. Calcium: 16 milligrams
  14. Potassium: 153 milligrams
  15. Iron: 0.41 milligrams
  16. Magnesium: 13 milligrams
  17. Phosphorus: 24 milligrams
  18. Zinc: 0.14 milligrams
  19. Riboflavin: 0.022 milligrams
  20. Folate: 24 micrograms
  21. Choline: 5.7 micrograms

7. Lemons

Lemon is effective in treating dehydration, which can cause hypotension. The antioxidant content in lemons also helps in regulating blood circulation and returning blood pressure to normal levels.

If you experience symptoms of low blood pressure, try drinking a glass of lemon juice mixed with sugar and salt to help return the condition to normal.

Nutritional content of lemons:

  1. Calories: 34 kilocalories
  2. Water: 92.2 grams
  3. Fiber: 0.1 grams
  4. Calcium: 23 milligrams
  5. Sodium: 31 milligrams
  6. Potassium: 140.0 milligrams
  7. Zinc: 0.2 milligrams
  8. Phosphorus: 20 milligrams
  9. Vitamin B2: 0.12 milligrams
  10. Vitamin C: 50 milligrams

8. Dates

Date juice is popular as a way to treat low blood pressure because it contains iron which can help in the production of sufficient red blood cells in the body. Iron deficiency can interfere with red blood cell production and potentially cause hypotension.

Nutritional content of dates:

  1. Protein: 2–2.5 grams 
  2. Carbohydrates: 75 grams 
  3. Sugar: 65 grams 
  4. Fiber: 7–8 grams 
  5. Calcium: 65 milligrams 
  6. Potassium: 650 milligrams
  7. Iron: 1 milligram
  8. Zinc: 0.5 milligrams
  9. Vitamin A: 150 IU 

On the other hand, it also contains folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin K, manganese, various types of antioxidants, as well as lutein and flavonoids.

Among the dates, lemons, strawberries and so on above, which one do you like the most?

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