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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Heart Health


Heart Health
Heart Health

When the heart has a problem, of course the blood circulation process can be disrupted. In the end, it can interfere with the normal function of body cells. Without proper treatment, a disturbed heart can be damaged and can stop working. If this condition is experienced, death can occur.

There are many myths circulating about heart health. If you follow this myth, it might bring problems later. Therefore, come on, check out the following myths about the heart.
The heart is an important organ for the body because it pumps blood throughout the body. The blood pumped by the heart contains oxygen and nutrients needed by the body's cells.

Why does heart disease affect younger people? One of the factors that increase the risk of heart disease is an unhealthy lifestyle that is applied from childhood to adulthood.

This includes eating patterns that are high in saturated fat and trans fat, smoking habits, and being lazy to exercise. Seeing these facts, showing that under 45 years of age you don't need to worry about heart disease is a myth.

For that, immediately change the bad lifestyle from now on. That way, you build a strong foundation to keep your heart healthy.

1. Avoid exercise if you have heart disease

Cases of death during or after sports are common. This is caused by sudden cardiac arrest due to high intensity exercise for a long time.

The number of cases like this makes a handful of people think that people with heart disease should not exercise. You need to know that this assumption about heart health is completely a myth.

Exercise helps you strengthen your heart muscle and increases blood flow throughout your body. The chance of exercise triggering a heart attack or heart disease is very low. 

However, for beginners who have been completely inactive before and people suffering from heart disease, it is necessary to develop a suitable exercise plan. For example, in choosing the type of exercise and its duration. So, consult with your doctor before starting to exercise regularly.

That's why, starting as early as possible, you and your family at home need to maintain heart health. Well, to start with, you need to straighten out the myths about the heart that are not true. Check out various misinformation about heart health and find out the facts from these myths!

2. Age Less Than 45 Years No Need to Worry about Heart Disease

Indeed, heart disease affects more people aged over 65 years. However, do not rule out this disease also affects people at a younger age.

As many as 4 to 10 percent of heart attack cases occur before the age of 45, especially in men, according to the Harvard Health Publishing website. A study in the journal Annals of Epidemiology shows that more than 50 percent of deaths from heart attacks are adults aged 35-64 years.  

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