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Saturday, June 8, 2024

10 Most Popular Dairy Products, Which is Your Favorite?

 Milk is an animal product that is in great demand by various age groups, from babies to the elderly. This is very reasonable because dairy products are very diverse, taste delicious, and are beneficial for health.

However, among all of them, there is the most popular dairy product which is a favorite of many people. So, let's look at the complete list below, come on!

1. Milk is ready to drink

There are many different types of milk, ranging from cow's milk which is commonly consumed to goat's milk which has its own fans. Fresh milk from farms must go through a processing process to reduce the water content and kill bacteria so that it is suitable for drinking in the long term.

From whole milk, low-fat milk, skim milk, lactose milk, to sweetened condensed milk, are some examples of processed milk that are ready to drink. Each of these milk options has a very different taste and nutritional profile, so the best choice depends on each individual's preferences. 

The variety of types of dairy products available in milk cartons illustrates the versatile benefits of milk. The reason why milk is so popular all over the world is not only because of its taste and nutrition, but also because of its economic value. 

Especially when it comes to creating menus from milk, there are many ways to get the nutritious benefits of milk by implementing them into your diet.

2. Butter

Whether used to make fragrant fried rice or mixed into donut batter to make it soft, butter is a staple in many refrigerators around the world. 

Judging from the raw material, butter is a source of concentrated milk fat with a little water and non-oil milk solids. Reported by US Diary , butter can be made from milk, cream, or a mixture of both ingredients.

The creamy taste of milk is what makes butter able to provide a savory addition to our favorite foods, regardless of whether the type of butter is salted or unsalted .

Although it is often used interchangeably with margarine, there is a big difference between the two. Butter is a processed animal milk product, while margarine is made from vegetable oil. 

3. Cream

Cream was first used by the Romans in the 9th century AD. However, its popularity in modern times is attributed to the people of Vienna, Austria, who have overused the cream for the past 300 years. 

Of the various types of cream available, what exactly is cream? Cream is a high-fat dairy product that is separated from milk, and must contain a minimum of 18 percent milk fat content.

Depending on the type of cream, the fat content in it will also vary. For example, whipped cream , which includes whipped cream, contains more than 36 percent milk fat. 

In addition to the amount of fat, the temperature inside the cream also affects how well the cream whips. Heavy whipping cream can increase the volume more than thin cream. For best whipping results, choose cream with a high fat content.

4. Cheese

Cheese is a fermented food made from four raw materials, namely milk, salt, good bacteria and the enzyme rennet

Different basic formula measurements and aging processes will determine the diversity of texture, taste and color of the cheese. So, some hard cheeses will have a strong taste, and other soft cheeses will be lighter on the tongue.

With hundreds of types of cheese available, every country has its own cheese varieties. Some types of cheese that are popular in the world include

  • cheddar (UK);
  • cemembert (France);
  • feta (Greek);
  • gorgonzola (Italy);
  • gruyere (Switzerland);
  • manchego (Spain);
  • mozzarella (Italy);
  • parmesan (Italy);
  • ricotta (Greek.

As a dairy product, cheese is the perfect partner for almost all foods, from fruit, vegetables, pasta, nuts, to pastry and bakery . 

Cheese is generally an ideal source of protein, and the fat content varies depending on the type of cheese. Interestingly, despite being recognized as a source of saturated fat, research shows that cheese is neutral or inversely associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Yogurt

Yogurt is a dairy food that is also famous in the world. Its manufacture involves the process of heating milk to denature (break down) the protein. 

After heating, manufacturers add bacterial cultures, namely Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus , to the milk. These bacteria grow and cause the milk to curdle, producing the smooth yogurt we know.

During cooking, the temperature is kept warm for several hours, then the yogurt is allowed to cool. After that, the yogurt must be kept warm to ferment. The longer the fermentation period, the more sour the yogurt will be.

There's a lot to love about yogurt, especially because it's so versatile. You can scoop it up to enjoy straight away, mix it with fruit, or make it into ice cream by freezing it. 

Apart from that, yogurt also has many flavor choices to try. Now you can even make homemade yogurt by following Yummy App's simple recipe.

The appeal of yogurt is not only its refreshing taste, but also the important nutrients that are useful for maintaining digestive health.

6. Ice cream

One of the best inventions in the dairy sector is ice cream. Whether eaten when celebrating a special occasion or on an ordinary day, ice cream can make many moments feel more special.

In general, ice cream is made by stirring a mixture of pasteurized milk with sweeteners, flavors and emulsifiers (stabilizers) while freezing. The milk fat content in ice cream must be at least 10 percent. 

Well, there are also other dairy products that are like ice cream, for example sorbet which is made from fruit with a lower milk fat content. The next popular frozen dairy products are frozen yogurt and gelato.

Today's delicious ice cream evolved from flavored ice that was popular among the Romans in the 4th century BC. Starting from a manual freezer patented in 1846, the next five years developed into the opening of the first ice cream factory in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. 

7. Whey protein

Whey is a protein naturally found in milk. During the cheese-making process, milk is separated into solids called curds and into a high-protein liquid known as whey. 

illustration of a man about to drink whey protein

The milk solids are formed into cheese, while the whey is pasteurized into whey protein powder which is used for various purposes. 

As a dairy product, whey protein contains all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Various studies show that whey can help build and repair muscle after exercise. 

A high-protein diet has also been shown to help maintain muscle as you age, help reduce hunger, and help maintain an ideal body weight. That's why this neutral tasting drink is liked by people who like to exercise

Whey protein powder dissolves easily in liquids and provides a smooth texture. Apart from being used as a drink to increase protein intake, whey can be mixed with oatmeal , soup, sauce, or baked goods to add nutrition.

8. Cream cheese

Cream cheese is a dairy product combined with cream to make a soft and delicious cheese. In the kitchen, cream cheese has many uses and often appears in cheese cake recipes or as a delicious bread spread. 

illustration of spreading cream cheese on bread

However, it should be noted that there are many brands of cream cheese available, and the relative nutritional value varies by product. 

Some cream cheeses consist of 100 percent full-fat cheese with a small amount of salt. While others have lower fat content and even high protein. 

9. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk product from Russia that is healthy because it provides lots of good bacteria. To make kefir, kefir grains are mixed with milk and left in a warm place to ferment. 

Kefir grains are not the same type of grain as wheat or oats, it is just a name given to describe the bacterial culture. 

During the fermentation process, lactic acid breaks down the lactose in milk. When finished, the kefir's texture will resemble liquid yogurt which is thick and slightly sour. 

illustration of dairy product kefir 

Even though it is similar, kefir has a sharper taste. Kefir is a source of probiotics and is also lactose intolerant friendly, as it contains only trace amounts of lactose. 

Apart from that, various research shows that the bacteria in kefir are beneficial for our intestinal health. Among them, it can modulate the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Kefir can be enjoyed with fruit to serve as a delicious snack after exercise, because it contains carbohydrates as well as protein.

10. Quarks

Originating from Germany, quark is a blend of yogurt and cottage cheese. Quark itself means curd, which describes its fresh white appearance and soft texture.  

The texture of quark is similar to cream cheese . In terms of taste, quark is light and slightly creamy , reminiscent of sour cream. 

Because quark is made using skim milk and lactic acid which breaks down lactose during fermentation, it is very low in fat and carbohydrates. 

illustration of quark dairy products

Quark can be a raw ingredient for many recipes, such as cheese cake , pasta, cream sauces, sandwiches, and various desserts . With all these uses, quark is a high-nutrient dairy product that can add protein to your diet. 

So, which of the various dairy products do you like? Each food made from fresh milk has a unique taste and interesting nutritional profile.

Because it is versatile, you can try creating it with various foods even with the same ingredients

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A&W Indonesia

 Maybe for those of you who follow the development of A&W Indonesia and have tried this menu in 2016, especially if you like it and are addicted to it, you will definitely be very happy to hear my news. Yep! A&W's Asian Mixbowl is back !

A&W Dishes -Indonesia

This time, Asian Mixbowl comes with 3 options , there are Asian Mixbowl Prawn, Asian Mixbowl Chicken and Asian Mixbowl Fish . Overall, this Asian Mixbowl uses Asian Sauce that tastes sour and sweet . 

Since October 15 2018 , Asian Mixbowl can be enjoyed in JABODETABEK and other areas will follow soon. FYI, A&W Indonesia itself has 249 branches throughout Indonesia, wow! In fact, A&W Indonesia is in Timika, guys!


Asian Mixbowl Chicken
Price: Rp 29.500

This Asian Mixbowl Chicken consists of 2 strips of chicken on top of fluffy rice (rice with a soft texture, typical rice that I like ;p) with vegetables and drizzled with Asian Sauce.

In my opinion, Asian Mixbowl is considered comfort food. If you're hungry and need rice, you can just order Asian Mixbowl. The choice of chicken also feels safe for friends who are confused about which one to order.

Asian Mixbowl Chicken and Root Beer package
Price:  IDR 38,500

As for the Asian Sauce itself, to be honest, I like it, the combination of sour and sweet goes well with any chicken that is fried in flour. If you eat at A&W Indonesia, it won't feel right if you don't order their Root Beer, well, in every Asian Mixbowl package, they have a package that comes with Root Beer.

Asian Mixbowl Fish 
Price: Rp 29.500 

Asian Mixbowl Fish is one of the seafood choices that you can choose. Served with fish fillets, the fish meat itself is soft and not fishy. I like the texture of the fish meat. The price for the Asian Mixbowl Fish and Root Beer package is IDR 38,500 . The price is the same as Asian Mixbowl Chicken.

Asian Mixbowl Prawn
Price: Rp 35.000

Well, this is what you've been waiting for, Asian Mixbowl Prawn is the best seller . The price is also different from the other 2 menus. The Asian Mixbowl Prawn and Root Beer package is priced at IDR 43,500.


 How often do you maintain your nutritional intake or how important is it for you to maintain the intake that enters your body? Honestly, I started maintaining my nutritional intake by eating healthy food. In future trends, I see that many people will start to become health conscious and start eating healthy and nutritious food.

So, Greenfields has just released a new product, namely yogurt, YES! YOGURT!

So far, perhaps what Greenfields is best known for is its milk. When you go to the coffee shop you use Greenfields, you drink milk, you use Greenfields milk, when you want to cook, you use Greenfields cheese. I admit, Greenfields products have been my favorite for a long time, I give them a thumbs up for their quality!

Greenfields yogurt is a type of Stirred Yogurt which does not go through a heating process which can cause many of the bacteria to disappear. Because of this, Greenfields yogurt doesn't last that long. But the positive value is that the good bacteria in yogurt work in our bodies to help improve digestion and I immediately experienced this after trying Greenfields yogurt. Wow!

Apart from that, Greenfields yogurt is also good for beauty, you can spread the yogurt on your face and leave it for a few minutes, it works like a mask. Guaranteed your skin will become smoother. Very interesting, right?

Friday, January 12, 2024


 Strips him off his traditional title as a former Agulu chieftain 

Chief. Ben Obi (Mbuze Agulu) a notorious political nuisance who has bent on attacking the Anambra State Government and also causing serious chaos in Agulu community has been stopped by the Agulu people.

Ben Obi who's political position during the immediate past Government regime was supposed to be a blessing and a great influence to the people of Agulu, rather it was a havoc on the community.

In the early hours of today, we received a communique from the leadership and all the people of Agulu Union Nigeria taking drastic actions to end rascality in the community.

An undisputed developmental decisions and resolutions from the Agulu People's Union to shut Mbuze Agulu and his cohorts down and put a stop to thier evil acts against the community.

Mr. Ben Obi and his cliques earlier this year came up with a devilish plan to demonstrate against the State Government, the President General of Agulu People's Union Nigeria and the traditional ruler of Agulu.

This was how terrorism started in most war countries and states. Shame on Mr. Ben Obi for choosing the path of evil!!!

This new development from Agulu People's Union Nigeria is indeed highly commendable and I urge other towns in Anambra to do so to fish out and caution evil people amongst them.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Hazcofe drink

Hazcofe drink with a special blend of selected Robusta Coffee Beans with Hazelnut Extract and Palm Sugar. Producing a distinctive aroma and taste thanks to the support of sophisticated processed technology. Perfect for you coffee lovers.

Tasty, Healthy, Make Happy

Robusta Coffee Beans

Has a strong coffee character, both in aroma and taste. Has health benefits. Starting from helping to increase energy, preventing cholesterol, to prevent the risk of cancer.

Hazelnut Extract

Behind the sweet taste, hazelnuts are rich in nutrients that are good for health. Such as omega 3, 6, 9, protein, vitamins, folate, to zinc. Hazelnut extract provides benefits for heart and nerve health, and is rich in natural antioxidants.


Palm sugar (palm sugar) has its own delicacy for coffee lovers. Behind the delicacy stored health benefits. Such as helping to maintain blood sugar levels, digestive system, and ward off chronic diseases.

Boost your Day with a Cup of Hazcofe

  • Helps increase body metabolism
  • Helps maintain heart health, brain function, and memory
  • High in antioxidants for healthy skin and immunity
  • Help prevent and reduce the risk of cancer

Why Hazcofe?

  • Perfect blend (robusta coffee, hazelnut and palm sugar)
  • It has a distinctive aroma and taste for coffee lovers
  • Practical and easy to serve
  • Easy to create into hot or cold drinks
  • Safe for diabetics
  • Halal and BPOM verified

Suggestions and Presentation

  • Hot Team: pour 1 sachet of Hazcofe, then brew it with 150 ml of 95% water
  • Cold Team: pour 1 Hazcofe sachet, then brew with 100ml hot water, stir until smooth, add enough ice cubes. Ready to be served.

Contents and Packaging:

One box contains 7 sachets @ 25 grams

Storage Instructions:

Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight


Royalmale is premium coffee that is formulated to help maintain adult male stamina. Made from the goodness of superior quality Arabica coffee beans (premium coffee beans) to produce a delicious taste and a distinctive aroma.

It comes with a unique blend of natural herbs, such as palm sugar, panax ginseng, epimedium, and purwoceng roots, which are guaranteed for their quality. The manufacturing process is supported by modern technology with strict supervision, resulting in high quality standards (GMP).

Elevate your Vitality to The Next Level!

Panax Gingseng

In Korea this plant is commonly called the 'root of life' because of its extraordinary benefits.

  • Maintain health
  • Improve cognitive abilities
  • Increase stamina and endurance
  • Epimedium

Commonly called goat horn grass ( horny goat weed ). Contains the active ingredient icariin as a testosterone booster.

  • Increases testosterone levels and male arousal
  • Help overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction
  • Helps with menopausal symptoms
  • Purwoceng

Contains bioactive compounds that have antioxidant properties, such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenolic acids.

Helps counteract the effects of free radicals
Increase male vitality and stamina
Improve blood circulation
Composition: instant coffee powder, vegetable creamer, palm sugar, panax ginseng, epimedium, purwoceng

Why Royal Male?

Maintain adult male stamina
  • Helps optimize the erection process
  • Helps increase the duration to last longer
  • Helps optimize sperm count and quality
  • Halal and safe for consumption without side effects
  • Excellence of Royalmale Premium Coffee

Natural herbal ingredients
  • No side effects
  • The perfect flavor for coffee connoisseurs
  • Halal and registered with BPOM
  • Instant and practical
  • Serving Instructions

One sachet per day
Likes Hot

  • Pour 1 sachet of Royalmale coffee into a glass
  • Mix with 150ml hot water
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Like Cold

  • Pour 1 sachet of Royalmale coffee into a glass
  • Mix with warm water about 100ml
  • Add enough ice cubes
  • Stir until the temperature is evenly cold
  • Contents and Packaging: net weight of one box 125g, 25g x 5 sachets

Storage Instructions:

Store in a dry place below 30°C and protected from direct sunlight.

Well. Reg BPOM: POM TR 232002971

Sign of a heart attack

Sweat profusely during exercise commonplace. 

However, you should be vigilant if what flows is cold sweat accompanied by  nausea .

This symptom indicates that something is not normal in your heart.

1. Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

A fast beating heart or an irregular rhythm can be a sign of a heart attack during exercise. Immediately stop activity and rest if you experience it.

To ensure heart conditions, seek medical help as soon as possible, okay!

Other Articles:  Characteristics of a Heart Attack to Watch Out for

2. Discomfort in other parts of the body

Apart from the chest, a heart attack during exercise can cause discomfort in other parts of the body. You can feel pain in the arms, stomach and back.

In fact, pain can spread to the shoulders, neck, jaw, to the teeth.

3. Dizziness

Fatigue during exercise is normal, especially if you are not used to doing physical activity. However, you need to stop all activities if you feel dizzy while exercising. Because this is one of the symptoms of a heart attack during sports.

Doctor Dyan said that the time to save a heart is very short and must be done within 30-60 minutes after a heart attack occurs.

Therefore, immediately call the emergency number 119 or 112 when you experience signs of a heart attack while exercising. This service is free and you can call via cell phone or home.

Even though there is a risk of having a heart attack during exercise, it doesn't mean you need to avoid this healthy physical activity. #Take care of your health by continuing to exercise according to self-capacity, not overdoing it, and staying aware of signs of a heart attack.

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