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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Hazcofe drink

Hazcofe drink with a special blend of selected Robusta Coffee Beans with Hazelnut Extract and Palm Sugar. Producing a distinctive aroma and taste thanks to the support of sophisticated processed technology. Perfect for you coffee lovers.

Tasty, Healthy, Make Happy

Robusta Coffee Beans

Has a strong coffee character, both in aroma and taste. Has health benefits. Starting from helping to increase energy, preventing cholesterol, to prevent the risk of cancer.

Hazelnut Extract

Behind the sweet taste, hazelnuts are rich in nutrients that are good for health. Such as omega 3, 6, 9, protein, vitamins, folate, to zinc. Hazelnut extract provides benefits for heart and nerve health, and is rich in natural antioxidants.


Palm sugar (palm sugar) has its own delicacy for coffee lovers. Behind the delicacy stored health benefits. Such as helping to maintain blood sugar levels, digestive system, and ward off chronic diseases.

Boost your Day with a Cup of Hazcofe

  • Helps increase body metabolism
  • Helps maintain heart health, brain function, and memory
  • High in antioxidants for healthy skin and immunity
  • Help prevent and reduce the risk of cancer

Why Hazcofe?

  • Perfect blend (robusta coffee, hazelnut and palm sugar)
  • It has a distinctive aroma and taste for coffee lovers
  • Practical and easy to serve
  • Easy to create into hot or cold drinks
  • Safe for diabetics
  • Halal and BPOM verified

Suggestions and Presentation

  • Hot Team: pour 1 sachet of Hazcofe, then brew it with 150 ml of 95% water
  • Cold Team: pour 1 Hazcofe sachet, then brew with 100ml hot water, stir until smooth, add enough ice cubes. Ready to be served.

Contents and Packaging:

One box contains 7 sachets @ 25 grams

Storage Instructions:

Store in a cool and dry place. Keep away from direct sunlight


Royalmale is premium coffee that is formulated to help maintain adult male stamina. Made from the goodness of superior quality Arabica coffee beans (premium coffee beans) to produce a delicious taste and a distinctive aroma.

It comes with a unique blend of natural herbs, such as palm sugar, panax ginseng, epimedium, and purwoceng roots, which are guaranteed for their quality. The manufacturing process is supported by modern technology with strict supervision, resulting in high quality standards (GMP).

Elevate your Vitality to The Next Level!

Panax Gingseng

In Korea this plant is commonly called the 'root of life' because of its extraordinary benefits.

  • Maintain health
  • Improve cognitive abilities
  • Increase stamina and endurance
  • Epimedium

Commonly called goat horn grass ( horny goat weed ). Contains the active ingredient icariin as a testosterone booster.

  • Increases testosterone levels and male arousal
  • Help overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction
  • Helps with menopausal symptoms
  • Purwoceng

Contains bioactive compounds that have antioxidant properties, such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and phenolic acids.

Helps counteract the effects of free radicals
Increase male vitality and stamina
Improve blood circulation
Composition: instant coffee powder, vegetable creamer, palm sugar, panax ginseng, epimedium, purwoceng

Why Royal Male?

Maintain adult male stamina
  • Helps optimize the erection process
  • Helps increase the duration to last longer
  • Helps optimize sperm count and quality
  • Halal and safe for consumption without side effects
  • Excellence of Royalmale Premium Coffee

Natural herbal ingredients
  • No side effects
  • The perfect flavor for coffee connoisseurs
  • Halal and registered with BPOM
  • Instant and practical
  • Serving Instructions

One sachet per day
Likes Hot

  • Pour 1 sachet of Royalmale coffee into a glass
  • Mix with 150ml hot water
  • Stir thoroughly
  • Like Cold

  • Pour 1 sachet of Royalmale coffee into a glass
  • Mix with warm water about 100ml
  • Add enough ice cubes
  • Stir until the temperature is evenly cold
  • Contents and Packaging: net weight of one box 125g, 25g x 5 sachets

Storage Instructions:

Store in a dry place below 30°C and protected from direct sunlight.

Well. Reg BPOM: POM TR 232002971

Sign of a heart attack

Sweat profusely during exercise commonplace. 

However, you should be vigilant if what flows is cold sweat accompanied by  nausea .

This symptom indicates that something is not normal in your heart.

1. Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

A fast beating heart or an irregular rhythm can be a sign of a heart attack during exercise. Immediately stop activity and rest if you experience it.

To ensure heart conditions, seek medical help as soon as possible, okay!

Other Articles:  Characteristics of a Heart Attack to Watch Out for

2. Discomfort in other parts of the body

Apart from the chest, a heart attack during exercise can cause discomfort in other parts of the body. You can feel pain in the arms, stomach and back.

In fact, pain can spread to the shoulders, neck, jaw, to the teeth.

3. Dizziness

Fatigue during exercise is normal, especially if you are not used to doing physical activity. However, you need to stop all activities if you feel dizzy while exercising. Because this is one of the symptoms of a heart attack during sports.

Doctor Dyan said that the time to save a heart is very short and must be done within 30-60 minutes after a heart attack occurs.

Therefore, immediately call the emergency number 119 or 112 when you experience signs of a heart attack while exercising. This service is free and you can call via cell phone or home.

Even though there is a risk of having a heart attack during exercise, it doesn't mean you need to avoid this healthy physical activity. #Take care of your health by continuing to exercise according to self-capacity, not overdoing it, and staying aware of signs of a heart attack.

Signs of a Heart Attack

Heart attacks can happen at any time, including during sports. These are 6 signs of a heart attack during sports that you should watch out for.Heart attacks can strike at any time, including when you are exercising.

according to dr. Dyan Mega Inderawati, when you're doing sports, your heart's work also increases. The risk of having a heart attack during exercise also increases.

Even so, the risk is considered not too big for those of you who are used to exercising. According to the American College of Cardiology, the risk of having a heart attack during sports increases 56 times in people who are not used to physical activity.

Then, what are the signs of a heart attack during sports that might occur?

1. Chest Feels Uncomfortable

Chest discomfort when exercising can be  a sign of a heart attack . This condition is characterized by chest feeling heavy, hot, tight, and pain like squeezing.

The pain you feel can come and go. In some cases, pain in the chest is mild. Even so, don't take it for granted, stop sports activities immediately if you experience it.

2. Shortness of Breath

Apart from chest discomfort, symptoms of a heart attack during exercise are usually accompanied by shortness of breath. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, shortness of breath can also occur before chest discomfort appears.

Therefore, dr. Dyan suggests immediately stopping all activities when you experience shortness of breath while exercising. 

Healthy Food for the Heart

1. Healthy Food for the Heart Tastes Bad

Salty and savory foods spoil the tongue. Unfortunately, various kinds of fried foods are high in trans fat, so they are not healthy for the heart.

In contrast, steamed food, low in salt and sugar, does taste bland on the tongue. However, these food choices are healthy for the heart. That is why, many are of the opinion that healthy foods for the heart don't taste good.

Actually, opinion is not entirely true. Foods that are healthy for the heart you can still enjoy, if you are used to it.

Besides that, you can also add spices to add to the delicacy of the dish. Add basil, cinnamon, ginger, paprika, and sage, or add a squeeze of lime or vinegar for a richer taste. 

Then, choose healthier foods such as choosing whole wheat bread over white bread, choosing low-fat milk over full cream , and switching from canned food to fresh groceries.

2. Need a Low Fat Diet to Lower Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart disease later in life. This is what underlies some people to do a low-fat diet to lower cholesterol levels while maintaining their heart health.

Unfortunately, the steps taken are not correct because the information about heart health that they think is true is a myth. 

You need to know that the body actually needs fat in a certain daily intake. The point, to boost the immune system and maintain brain function.

Dietary fats are not all metabolized in the body in the same way. Saturated fats found in red and processed meat, dairy products, coconut milk and coconut oil, can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Frequent consumption of these foods can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels, and in turn, get the risk of heart disease and stroke . This is different from unsaturated fats, such as omega 3 fatty acids found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and fish.

Well, the American Heart Association recommends eating fish (especially fatty fish), such as sardines, tuna and salmon, at least 2 times a week.

It is called healthy for the heart because omega 3 is proven to be cardioprotective due to the presence of EPA and DHA. This polyunsaturated fat can later help lower bad cholesterol levels while reducing the risk of heart disease. 

If the choice of fish rich in omega 3 above is difficult to find, you can choose fish oil as an alternative. Consult further with your doctor regarding the choice of fish oil that is right for you.

To help you maintain heart health and cholesterol levels, adopt a healthy lifestyle. If necessary, consume Blackmores products to meet your daily needs for omega 3 nutrition so that heart health is protected.

There are several fish oil products that you can choose from, such as:

  • Blackmores Odorless Fish Oil
  • Blackmores Omega Daily with 2 times higher concentration
  • Blackmores Ultimate Omega with a higher concentration 

Heart Health


Heart Health
Heart Health

When the heart has a problem, of course the blood circulation process can be disrupted. In the end, it can interfere with the normal function of body cells. Without proper treatment, a disturbed heart can be damaged and can stop working. If this condition is experienced, death can occur.

There are many myths circulating about heart health. If you follow this myth, it might bring problems later. Therefore, come on, check out the following myths about the heart.
The heart is an important organ for the body because it pumps blood throughout the body. The blood pumped by the heart contains oxygen and nutrients needed by the body's cells.

Why does heart disease affect younger people? One of the factors that increase the risk of heart disease is an unhealthy lifestyle that is applied from childhood to adulthood.

This includes eating patterns that are high in saturated fat and trans fat, smoking habits, and being lazy to exercise. Seeing these facts, showing that under 45 years of age you don't need to worry about heart disease is a myth.

For that, immediately change the bad lifestyle from now on. That way, you build a strong foundation to keep your heart healthy.

1. Avoid exercise if you have heart disease

Cases of death during or after sports are common. This is caused by sudden cardiac arrest due to high intensity exercise for a long time.

The number of cases like this makes a handful of people think that people with heart disease should not exercise. You need to know that this assumption about heart health is completely a myth.

Exercise helps you strengthen your heart muscle and increases blood flow throughout your body. The chance of exercise triggering a heart attack or heart disease is very low. 

However, for beginners who have been completely inactive before and people suffering from heart disease, it is necessary to develop a suitable exercise plan. For example, in choosing the type of exercise and its duration. So, consult with your doctor before starting to exercise regularly.

That's why, starting as early as possible, you and your family at home need to maintain heart health. Well, to start with, you need to straighten out the myths about the heart that are not true. Check out various misinformation about heart health and find out the facts from these myths!

2. Age Less Than 45 Years No Need to Worry about Heart Disease

Indeed, heart disease affects more people aged over 65 years. However, do not rule out this disease also affects people at a younger age.

As many as 4 to 10 percent of heart attack cases occur before the age of 45, especially in men, according to the Harvard Health Publishing website. A study in the journal Annals of Epidemiology shows that more than 50 percent of deaths from heart attacks are adults aged 35-64 years.  



. Control of Metabolic Diseases

Dementia or senile dementia is closely related to heart disease, high blood pressure , diabetes ( diabetes ), and high cholesterol . People who have these metabolic diseases are at a higher risk of experiencing senility.

Other articles: Children's brain development is less than optimal, these are the characteristics

If you or a family member has the disease, you should regularly check your health to the doctor. In addition, take medication as recommended to control the condition of the disease, so that brain health is maintained.

2. Get Enough Rest

Not only exercise, other activities to maintain brain health are rest! Rest is one factor that is very important to be able to maintain brain health. 

If sleep is insufficient and of poor quality, it can affect productivity and brain health.

3. Do Brain Games

Activities that involve thinking skills can improve cognitive abilities and reduce the risk of dementia. 

Activities to maintain brain health that you can try are card games, puzzles , and crosswords. This game is considered to help maintain the cognitive abilities of the brain.

How to maintain brain health above needs to be done routinely. Not only a healthy brain, other parts of the body can also avoid various diseases.

#Take care of your health so you can do good activities until you are old! Download the KlikDokter application which can give you tips on maintaining complete body health. Free online doctor consultations are also possible, you know.

Maintaining brain health

 Maintaining brain health from an early age is very important! A healthy brain will help you work well and increase productivity. Conversely, a brain that is senile or often forgets will inhibit activity. 

Senile or dementia is one of the most common health problems in the world community. Dementia is a serious problem because it can lead to dependence on others and lead to complications such as depression. 

Some of the symptoms of dementia are difficulty remembering names or events, difficulty doing activities, and difficulty focusing and concentrating. So far, there is no effective way to cure dementia. 

So, so that you can have a healthy brain and avoid dementia, do 10 scientifically proven ways to maintain brain health below:

1. Stay away from alcohol

To maintain the health of the human brain, alcoholic beverages need to be avoided. Because, alcohol is toxic or toxic to brain cells. 

The risk of brain damage will increase if you have a habit of drinking alcoholic beverages. Therefore, avoid alcohol in order to keep brain cells healthy.

Other articles:  Effects of Quitting Alcohol, Healthier Body!

2. Exercise Routine

Dementia is associated with heart and blood vessel (cardiovascular) problems. Therefore, people who have cardiovascular disease are relatively more prone to senility.

One way to reduce the risk of this disease is to exercise regularly. Several studies have also shown that exercise can be a way to maintain the health of the brain's nerve cells.

The benefits of exercise can also help maintain an ideal body weight. The reason is, one of the factors that affect brain health is excess body weight. 

WHO recommended exercise frequency is at least 150 minutes per week, or 5 times a week for 30 minutes.

3. Quit Smoking

If you want to maintain brain health, it's better to stay away from cigarettes! Cigarettes are proven to reduce cognitive abilities and affect brain health.

In addition, the dangers of smoking can also increase the risk of heart disease and cancer . Quitting smoking can be the first step to a healthy brain.

4. Avoiding Free Radicals

Free radicals can have a negative impact on the health of the body, including the brain. So, it is very important to avoid free radicals as much as possible. 

Where do free radicals come from? Forms of free radicals can come from cigarette smoke and vehicle exhaust which cause air pollution.

5. Increase Consumption of Good Fats

The next tip for a healthy brain is to eat foods that contain good fats. It is undeniable, a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet can help keep brain cells healthy. 

What foods are good for the brain? Start by eating more fruits and vegetables, and consuming sources of healthy fats such as corn oil and olive oil.

Other articles: Myriad Benefits of Exercise for Brain Health

6. Eat more fish

Apart from good fats, you also need to increase your consumption of fish so that your brain is healthy. Various studies prove, regularly consuming fish can prevent memory or memory decline.

Various types of fish also contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and protein which are good for overall body health.

7. Consumption of Foods Containing Antioxidants

Avoiding free radicals is clearly a way to maintain brain health that is important for you to do. So, for maximum protection, you need to eat foods with antioxidants.

Antioxidants are very important to fight free radicals. Foods containing antioxidants such as vegetables, fruit, and nuts. These foods can reduce inflammation due to free radicals.

Gamat Emulsion Extract


Gamat Emulsion Extract is a supplement that is rich in nutrients to maintain a healthy body. Gamat Emulsion Extract contains Gamat Extract (Sea Cucumber), Soya Milk Powder, and Vinegar.

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  • Gamat Extract (Sea Cucumber) 87,5 mg
  • Soya Milk Powder 1.925 mg
  • Vinegar 0.140 mg

Benefit :

  • Keep in good condition

How to use :

  • Children: 1-2 tsp per day
  • Adults: 1-2 tablespoons 2 times a day at night and in the morning

Can be taken before or after meals

Contents: Each 1 bottle contains 350ml

No. Register : POM TI. 044 614 501


 K-AyuLite completes the range of Ayurvedic health products. Ayurveda is a health concept from India from natural ingredients to prevent disease by maintaining body balance, and is the most comprehensive system of medicine and health care in the world.


Extracts from Andrographis Paniculata, Tecoma Undulata, Tephrosia Purpurea, Eclipta Alba, Holarrhena Antidysenterica and Phyllanthus Niruri


  • Protects and improves liver function
  • Optimizing poison absorption
  • Fight free radicals
  • Increase antibodies
  • Help with diabetes problems
  • Increases metabolism
  • Promotes digestion
  • Helps cleanse the blood and regenerate liver cells

How K-AyuLite works:

  • Antihepatotoxic = protects the liver from toxins
  • Immunostimulants = boost the immune system
  • Anti-inflammatory = anti-inflammatory
  • Hepaprotective = protects and repairs liver tissue
  • Tonic = strengthens the liver organ
  • Antioxidants = fight free radicals

Contents: 60 capsules


60 kapsul: ukuran 12cm x 2,75cm x 8,25cm

30 kapsul: ukuran 8,25cm x 2,75cm x 6,8cm

Equipped with the RADURA logo. International logo indicating that the food product has been irradiated. The purpose of irradiation is to decontaminate microorganisms so that product quality is maintained.

User guide:

Adult: 2 capsules, 2 times a day

Storage Way:

Store in a cool and dry place with a temperature below 30°

Omega Squa


K-Omegasqua Plus is an additional therapeutic supplement that is used to help heart health to boost the immune system.

K-Omegasqua Plus


Health and Food Supplements

drug category

Adult Vitamins and Supplements

Consumed by


Drug form

Soft Capsule

K-Omega Plus for pregnant and lactating women

Categories: N

Not yet categorized

Breastfeeding Warning:

Omega 3 content including EPA and DHA in K-Omegasqua Plus is known to be absorbed into breast milk. Do not use K-Omegasqua Plus before consulting a doctor. 


K-Omegasqua Plus is a food supplement that contains EPA, DHA, squalene, lecithin, and vitamin E as active substances. K-Omegasqua Plus is used to help maintain heart health, maintain skin health, boost the immune system, can also function as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation), improve brain and joint function, and maintain healthy skin.

K-Omegasqua Plus is available in capsule form. Do you want to know more about K-Omegasqua Plus? Come on, check here.


K-Omegasqua Plus Soft Capsules

  • Group  :  Health and food supplements
  • Therapy classes  :  Vitamins and supplements for adults
  • Kandungan    EPA 30%, DHA 20%, squalene 150 mg, lecithin 9 soy lecithin) 50 mg, vitamin E (natural) 3 IU.
  • Packaging  : Plastic bottles @ 300 soft capsules
  • Production :  Nova Chemie Utama
  • Price for K-Omega Plus:  IDR 221,000 


K-Omegasqua Plus is used to help maintain heart health, maintain skin health, boost the immune system, can also function as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation), and improve brain and joint function.

Dosage and Rules for Use 

How to use K-Omega Plus is as follows:

Purpose:  Helps maintain heart health, maintains skin health, boosts the immune system, can also function as an anti-inflammatory (inflammation), improves brain and joint function.

Form:  Soft capsule

  • Adults: K-Omegasqua Plus is taken 1 - 2 soft capsules, 2 times a day in the morning and evening.

How to use 

  • Read the instructions for use listed on the packaging.
  • K-Omegasqua Plus capsules can be consumed after eating in the morning and at night. K-Omegasqua Plus can be swallowed directly, don't chew or crush it. Swallow by drinking a glass of water.
  • It is recommended to consume K-Omegasqua Plus regularly at the same time every day. If you forget to take your medicine, drink it immediately if the next scheduled break for taking your medicine is not too close. If it's close, then ignore don't double the dose.

Storage Method 

Store K-Omegasqua Plus at room temperature, in a dry place and avoid exposure to direct sunlight, and keep out of reach of children.

Side effects 

No side effects have been reported. 


  •  Do not use the drug beyond the prescribed dose.
  •  If someone experiences an overdose, such as fainting or difficulty breathing, immediately call the emergency medical team for assistance at number 112/119 or immediately go to the nearest hospital emergency department.


Avoid use in patients who have a history of hypersensitivity to any of the compositions of K-Omegasqua Plus.

Drug Interactions

  • Omega 3 may interact with anticoagulants (including warfarin)
  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking other supplements, herbal products, or other medications

Warning and Caution 

  • Do not consume K-Omegasqua Plus if you are allergic to the ingredients in K-Omegasqua Plus
  • Consult your doctor first if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before consuming K-Omegasqua Plus
  • Immediately see a doctor if you experience allergies, overdose, or serious side effects after consuming K-Omegasqua Plus

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